Friday, 28 July 2017

Oral Question 28/7/17.

A 12 year old boy presented in a peripheral hospital with history of abdominal pain, several episodes of vomiting and Loss of consciousness.
He was managed as a case of typhoid sepsis to no avail necessitating referral to you.
You obtained an history of recent weight loss and secondary enuresis that begins about a month prior presentation, he is also dyspnoic with fast deep breathing.

(a) What is Your  likely assessment ?

b) Mention two bedside investigations that will help you clinch the diagnosis and your likely findings.

c) Mention 5 risk factors for this type of presentation.

c)  Outline 5 principles of managent.

d)What 4 complications can occur acutely in this pateint and explain  briefly the pathophysiology of any two.

A 15yr old girl  presented in accident and emergency unit with two weeks history of fatigue, headache , joint and chest pain and great discomfort whenever she is expose to sunlight. You noticed that she also has macular rash on the face , pale and has pedal edema.

a) .what is the most likely diagnosis ?

b)  Mention two differentials.

c)  State 5 of the criteria needed for making diagnosis.

d) Mention five relevant investigations. 

e)  mention Four drugs that can induce the above condition.

f)  mention three medications that may help in treatment of this condition.

A 3 week old boy is brought to your clinic for evaluation , he has
an episode of gross hematuria. , severe respiratory distress, mother volunteer  an history of small volume liqour in pregnancy, he appears to have an abnormal facie,
 abdominal examination shows a mass palpable to both flanks.
Amongst other abnormal result of investigations is a markedly deranged liver function test

A) What is the most likely diagnosis?
B) list two differential diagnosis
C) Mention four other investigations  that may be relevant
D) what two  prominent associations are expected
E.mention 5 complications that may arise
F.what will be your treatment plan?

 A 10yr old girl present in out patient department with history of pain in the ankles , and the wrists, the joints appear stiff on awakening in the morning.The involved joints are swollen , warm and tender.,

a. What is your diagnosis?
b. Give two differential diagnosis
C.list four investigations you will like to do.
D.Give five classes of this condition according to the international league
E. Mention three complications that may arise
F. Mention four drugs that may be beneficial

What is Macrophages activation syndrome(MAS)?
b. How is the diagnosis of MAS confirmed?

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