Use 7.5min for the questions.
Answer true for correct statement and false for incorrect statement
Incorrect answer attract 0.5 mark deduction.
Pass mark is 13/and above.
1. A 2 -day old girl noticed to have bled per rectum, the following may hold true of this patient
A). He may have vitamin k dependent bleeding.
B). He may have swallowed her mother's blood during delivery.
C.)bet-ke test may be important in making diagnosis
D).haemophilia is not a possible diagnosis since the baby is a girl
E). She has necrotizing enterocolitis
2. The following investigation result were obtained for the above child
i prothrobin time ( 20s)
ii plasma thromboplastin time (80s)
iii platelet counts (250000/ul)
iv cloting factors 5 and8 (normal)
Which of the following is /are true statement(s)
A).protein induced in vitamin K absence is a sensitive marker in this condition
B). The level of cloting factors 2,7,9, and 10 may be normal in this condition
C). The patient may have hemophilia A
D. There is impaired post translational decarboxylation of vitamin k dependent clothing factors.
E.Oral vitamin K may be used for prevention of this condition
3. A 4-week old boy has being vomiting, failing to thrive and he is severely dehydrated, the following are some of the differentials to consider
A.) Cystic fibrosis
B.) Galactosemia
(C).Neonatal diabetes
D). pyloric Stenosis
E). Sepsis
4. The above patient (3) was noticed to have cataract and jaundice on examination, blood culture done for the patient yielded Klebsiella sp.
The following are some of your conclusions
A).The boy most likely has Cystic fibrosis
B). Exclusion of glucose from the diet of this boy should be considered
C).The deficient enzyme may be Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase.
D).Symptoms are due to accumulation of galactose in the blood
E.)This boy may suffer mental retardation.
5. The following conditions are commoner in females
A).Patent ductus arteriosus
B). Atrial septal defect
C).Ventricular Septal defect
D). Coaractation of aorta
(E).Pulmonary stenosis
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